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Nasha' London-Vargas, Ph.D.  UCLA Alumna

                               (Pictured - UCLA Powell Library)

Library locations for "Faces Of Diversity":

UCLA (Powell Library), Alliant International University /CSPP San Diego, Stanford University, Harvard University, Yale University, Library of Congress, Brown University, United States Military Academy USMA Library -West Point, Georgetown University, UC Berkeley, UC Santa Barbara, Cornell University, Carnegie Mellon Univ., USC, UC Riverside, University of Chicago, Howard University, University of Michigan, Univ. of Notre Dame, Purdue University Library, Univ. of Tennessee, Soka University, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles Public Library, Univ. of Puget Sound Library, Alibris, Emory Univ. Robert  W. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center, Inc., Lincoln University, Claremont Colleges Library, Irvine Valley College, Concordia University (CU Irvine), California State University Sacramento, Vanderbilt University, Hathi Trust Digital Library, University of California - NRLF, Palo Alto University, UC Davis, Shippenburg University- Shippenburg, PA, 

Library locations for "Organizing A Life"s Work:  Finding Your Dream Job (A Compilation of Works)":

UCLA (Powell Library), USC, Cornell University, Alliant International University/CSPP - San Diego, Claremont Colleges Library, Irvine Valley College, Concordia University (CU Irvine), Soka University, UC Davis, University of Chicago, Los Angeles Public Library, University of the West, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA), Palo Alto University, Carlow University, Earlham College, Hawaii Pacific University, De La Salle  College of Saint Benilde Manila, Redeemer University College (Ontario Canada), Roger Williams University, Salem Libraries (NC), Birmingham-Southern College library, IE University Library (Madrid Spain), Dalat University (Viet Nam)

Library locations for "The Suit as Lifestyle: Self-Image, Etiquette, and Manners"  2014, and "The Suit as Lifestyle: Best Suit for the Occasion Second Edition, 2015:

Stanford University, Kent State University, Fashion Institute of Technology Library (New York, NY),  Irvine Valley College, Concordia University (CU Irvine), Claremont Colleges Library, FIDM Library Los Angeles, CA, Otis College of Art and Design Westchester, CA


Welcome to London Publishing & Company.  We are the publishing company for the works of Dr. Nasha' London-Vargas, Organizational Psychologist.  Dr. London- Vargas is an author, educator, community organizer, and entrepreneur.  Her collection of works have focused on, but not limited to, organizational development; diversity management; race relations; women in leadership roles; minorities in education; student development; leadership development; community outreach; and finding Your Dream Job. 

Books in Our Catalog:

  • "Organizing A Life's Work: Finding Your Dream Job - Creativity , Fulfillment  & Success,"  Third Edition, 2015
  • "The Suit as Lifestyle: Best Suit for the Occasion" Second Edition, 2015
  • "Faces of Diversity (The Re-socialization of Our Youth: Changing Tomorrow's Race Relations in America)"Seventh Edition, 2015
  • "The Suit as Lifestyle: Self-Image, Etiquette, and Manners" 2014
  • "Faces of Diversity (Moments of Truth- Breaking the Stronghold of Racism in America) Sixth Edition, 2014
  • "Faces of Diversity (Women Leaders in Corporate America: Perception of Self and Others)"Fifth Edition, 2014  
  • "Faces of Diversity ("The Student Support Network:" Managing Diversity on Campus)" Fourth Edition, 2014 
  • "Faces of Diversity (Questions for Discussion)" Third Edition, 2014
  • "Organizing A Life's Work: Finding Your Dream Job - (A compilation of works)," Second Edition, 2014
  • "Faces Of Diversity"  Second Edition, 2013
  • "Organizing A Life's Work: Finding Your Dream Job (A compilation of works)," 2013
  • "Faces of Diversity," 1999

London Publishing & Company  reserves all rights, including the right  of reproduction in whole or in part in any form - publications  by Nasha' London-Vargas, Ph.D.  We also reserve all rights, including the right  of reproduction in whole or in part in any form - publications  by Shae and Sal Vargas: "The Suit as Lifestyle: Best Suit for the Occasion, Second Edition,"2015  and "The Suit as Lifestyle: Self-Image, Etiquette, and Manners 2014 

Please send all inquires to: 

"The Suit as Lifestyle (Best Suit for the Occasion)" Second Edition, 2015
Price: $19.99 paperback

"The Suit As Lifestyle: Self-Image, Etiquette, and Manners," 2014

Price: $15.99 paperback

"Organizing A Life's Work: Finding Your Dream Job (Creativity, Fulfillment  & Success),"  Third Edition, 2015

Price: $55.00 paperback

"Organizing a Life's Work:  Finding Your Dream Job - (A Compilation of Works)" Second Edition, 2014

Price:  $50.00 paperback 

"Organizing a Life's Work:  Finding Your Dream Job - (A Compilation of Works)," 2013

Price:  $45.00 paperback and eBook

"Faces of Diversity (The Re-socialization of Our Youth: Changing Tomorrow's Race Relations in America)" Seventh Edition, 2015

Price: $65.00 paperback

"Faces of Diversity (Moments of Truth- Breaking the Stronghold of Racism in America)" Sixth Edition, 2014

Price:  $65.00 paperback 

"Faces of Diversity (Women Leaders in Corporate America: Perception of Self and Others)" Fifth Edition, 2014  

Price:  $50.00 paperback 

"Faces of Diversity ("The Student Support Network:" Managing Diversity on Campus)" Fourth Edition, 2014  

Price:  $65.00 paperback 

Faces of Diversity ("Questions for Discussion") Third Edition, 2014  

Price:  $50.00 paperback 

 "Faces of Diversity" Second Edition, 2013 

 Price: $45.00 paperback, eBook

"Faces of Diversity" 1999

Price: $25.00  paperback

Articles by Nasha' London-Vargas, Ph.D.  Featured / Referenced in Publications :

Organizing a Life’s Work:  Finding Your Dream Job:

 London-Vargas, N. (2001, July). “Organizing a Life’s Work:  Finding Your

Dream Job.” TIP: The Industrial – Organizational Psychologist Vol. 39 (1), 47.

Nevid, J.S., and Rathus, S.A. (2013, 2010, 2007, 2004).  “Finding Your

Dream Job.”  Psychology and the challenges of life Adjustment and growth (12th ed.), 532:  Wiley


Nevid, J.S., and Rathus, S.A. (2010, 2007, 2005, 2002).  “Finding Your

Dream Job.”  Psychology and the challenges of life Adjustment and growth (11th ed.), 530:  Wiley


Nevid, J. S., (2009).  “Finding Your Dream Job.”  Psychology Concepts

and Applications (3rd ed.), 630:  Houghton Mifflin Company:  Boston-New York.

 Living King’s Dream: The Student Support Network, A 21st Century Concept:

 London-Vargas, N. (2000, April). “Living King’s Dream: The Student

Support Network, A 21st Century Concept.” TIP:   The Industrial – Organizational Psychologist Vol. 37 (4), 49.


O’Grady, C.R. (2000). “Integrating Service Learning and multicultural

education in colleges and universities.” 197.  Lawerence Erlbaum Assoc: Mahwah, New Jersey – London


Diversity Digest (Summer 1998). “Minority Student Leadership:  taking

the initiative and learning across differences,” 4.  AAC&U Washington DC.


Morgan, J.M., and Hoshijima, T. (2011, November).  “Including more

student voices in higher education policy making,” 14.  Center for American Progress.

It takes a parent to raise a child:

London-Vargas, N. (2002, Sept. Oct.) “It takes a parent to raise a child.”

        Image Magazine, 14.

 London-Vargas, N. (2004, May) “It takes a parent to raise a child.”

       Image Magazine, 30.

London-Vargas, N. (2002, Nov.-Dec.). “Work redefined in the 21st

century.”  Image Magazine, 28.  

  London-Vargas, N. (1999, October) “Creating teamwork in the midst

of Organizational chaos.” Image Magazine, 43.  

 London-Vargas, N. (2000, October). “Healing the wounded worker- in

the spirit of work.” TIP: The Industrial –Organizational Psychologist Vol. 38 (2), 56.

 London-Vargas, N. (2000, January). “Locations of Empowerment.” TIP:  

The Industrial – Organizational Psychologist Vol. 37 (3), 49.

 London-Vargas, N. (2003, April, May) “Tapping into your full

potential.” Image Magazine, 30.  

London-Vargas, N. (2003, February, March) “Tomorrow’s Leaders

        Today.” Image Magazine, 28.

London-Vargas, N. (2005, January) “A New Year – A New You.”

       Image Magazine, 8.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, February, March) “Celebrating the fruits of

       the Spirit.” Image Magazine, 20.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, April-May) “Marriage – Beyond I Do.”

       Image Magazine, 22.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, August- September) “What is a Lifestyle

Coach.” Image Magazine, 22.

London-Vargas, N. (2002, Sept. Oct.) “Designing space for creativity

and productivity.” Image Magazine, 34.

London-Vargas, N. (2005, March) “Living in the balance.” Image

        Magazine, 76.

London-Vargas, N. (2005, January) “The hidden secret of Temecula.”

Image Magazine, 24.

London-Vargas, N. (2005, April) “Jump start your real estate career.”

Image Magazine, 18.

London-Vargas, N. (2005, May-June) “Home buying guide:   Your luxury

Dream Home.” Image Magazine, 56.

 London-Vargas, N. (2005, May-June) “Is your home worth its selling

price?” Image Magazine, 22.

London-Vargas, N. (2004, September) “Getting emotionally prepared to

sell or buy a home this holiday season.” Image Magazine, 102.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, April-May) “How does your garden grow.”

Image Magazine, 64.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, April-May) “A Guide for planning the perfect

wedding.” Image Magazine, 16.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, June-July) “The Art of Entertaining.” Image

Magazine, 72.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, June-July) “The mystery of Turquoise.”

Image Magazine, 64.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, June- July) “Summer jobs for Youth and Young

Adults.” Image Magazine, 32.

London-Vargas, N. (2003, August-September) “Managing Diversity in the

workplace.” Image Magazine, 34.

Sandra S. Kim and Michele J. Gelfand, 2003 "The influence of ethnic identity on perceptions of organizational                                  recruitment." Journal of Vocational Behavior Vol. 63, 400. Department of Psychology, University of Maryland at                    College Park, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Ballard, Jennifer; Gilmore, Lindsey; Keith, Heather; and Ore, Bethany, "Academic Achievement amongst Minority Students" (2008). The College Student Experience (CNS 572). Paper 2, pp.15.



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 London Publishing & Company reserves all rights, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

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